Friday, January 27, 2012

CIM Lessons 26-32 and Miracles Principle #5

CIM Lessons 26-32

Miracles Principle #5: “Miracles are habits and should be involuntary. They should not be under conscious control. Consciously selected miracles can be misguided.”

The purpose of CIM is to train us to look at problems in a totally different way and to help us have this become, more and more, our immediate reaction. Whenever we notice the slightest degree of irritation, we should quickly turn within and ask Spirit to help us shift our perception of this person or situation. “Miracles should be involuntary” means we are not the ones who do them. Miracles cannot be performed without the help of Spirit. “Consciously selected miracles can be misguided” because we are not omniscient and, therefore, cannot know what is in the best interest of those involved. Though we may desperately wish for a physical healing for someone, it may not be in their highest and best interest to remain in the physical body. Though we may think Sally and Harry are a match made in heaven, they may turn out to be oil and water. If you are at work, does that mean you have to stop every 5 minutes and ask Spirit for guidance? No! Set your intent in the morning to be guided by Spirit throughout the day and trust!

Lesson 26— “My attack thoughts are attacking my invulnerability.” Purpose: To realize your feeling of vulnerability is not due to how the world treats you but strictly to your own thoughts. Nothing but our thoughts can attack us. Relinquishing attack thoughts is the road to rediscovering our invulnerability. As long as we continue to judge/attack, we will fear counter-judgment and counterattack.

Lesson 27—“Above all else I want to see.” Purpose: To bring closer the desire for Vision. This reinforces Lesson 20, “I am determined to see,” and steps up its intensity. The phrase “above all else” may tempt us to think we’re being asked to sacrifice. But the lesson reassures us that “Vision has no cost to anyone,” and even adds, “It can only bless.” The lesson leads us toward a single-minded determination to claim True Vision. Accordingly, the practice requirements suddenly leap into high gear—at least every half hour! An unreasonable request? Try to remind yourself that this time investment will take you by giant steps closer to reclaiming dominion over your world.

Lesson 28—“Above all else I want to see things differently.” Purpose: To commit to withdrawing our preconceptions about things so that we can see them with Vision. We probably will go all our lives without having a table actually speak to us. The point here is “seeing” the common purpose that binds us all. And what is that purpose? To re-interpret the world as part of Heaven! (Read T-23.In.6:1-8.)

Lesson 29—“God is in everything I see.”  Purpose: To help us begin to look on everything we see with love, appreciation, and open-mindedness. The idea that God is in everything is the foundation for a “different kind of seeing.” (T-13.VII.2:1-2). In order to see with vision, I have to be willing to disregard my current mode of seeing, which is limited to the physical. Though God is not in the physical table we see (because there is no physical world), that table shares the purpose of the universe, which is our happiness, joy, and completion. As an analogy, imagine God is visible only in the infrared spectrum. Our eyes do not see infrared radiation, so even if it’s present, we don’t see it. There are all kinds of “light” we cannot see: ultraviolet, radiation, radio waves, microwaves, etc. God is in everything, but He is outside the range of physical sight, so we need a different kind of vision to “see” Him.

Lesson 30—“God is in everything I see because God is in my mind.” The thoughts of my mind are projected outward and cause my perceptions. This lesson attempts to teach us a new kind of projection. We might call it “positive projection.” What I want to see is my own innocence. Therefore I attempt to see the world as innocent. Now I am deliberately choosing my thoughts and “projecting them” onto the world. If all things contain God, and I contain God, we are all joined. The world mirrors what is in my mind. How, then, do I want to see the world? Am I willing to see the world with a consistent and loving God in it? If not, it only reflects the fact that I’m unwilling and afraid, afraid I will see God’s vengeance instead of His love.

Lesson 31—“I am not a victim of the world I see.” The purpose of this lesson is to begin declaring your freedom. Oddly enough, we feel victimized not only by “real” threats but also by our own thoughts. Ever have an anxiety attack? Or find yourself feeling gouged by the IRS? A victim of an unfair system? You are not a victim of your inner world any more than of your outer world. This lesson initiates what will be the practice pattern for most of the rest of the Workbook: two longer practice periods, morning and evening; frequent repetitions throughout the day; and using the idea as a “response to temptation” whenever it arises.

Lesson32—“I have invented the world I see.” This idea flies in the face of all our fundamental beliefs about the world. This lesson is merely introducing the idea, not trying to prove it. The Workbook’s aim is to teach us through experience, rather than through rigorous logic, that this is true. Logically, there are only two options: 1) God made this chaotic world and allows its insanities; or 2) I am generating my own less-than-joyful experience, based on fear and shame, and can choose again.  If I’m not the cause, I’m at the mercy of an unjust and unfair world. If I am the cause, there’s hope! I can change the dream and, eventually, stop dreaming altogether. The text discusses this thought further in several places: T-21.II.11:1; T-20.III.5:1-5; T-20.VIII.7:3-4.

Assignment: Miracles Principles #6; Workbook Lessons 33-39: Text references at noted.

Practical Application: Make a list of the things that most disturb you about the world we seem to live in. Ask yourself if you believe a loving and omnipotent God would allow these situations.  Then consider the alternative. If mankind made the world as we perceive it, what might be the reason it is filled with such horrors?

Friday, January 20, 2012

Announcing Jo's Book Releases--A Metaphysical Counter to The Left Behind Series


A Metaphysical Response to The Left Behind Series . . .

A trilogy of novels . . . a radically different way to look at Who and What we are and a loving God's will for us, which is only peace, love, joy and abundance.

The Song My Soul Remembers

Behold the Dawn

One Thought from Heaven

Jo Williams

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

CIM Lessons 19-25/Miracles Principle #4

CIM—LESSONS 19-25—JANUARY 25, 2011

Miracles Principle # 4: All miracles mean life, and God is the giver of life. His Voice will direct you very specifically. You will be told all you need to know.” This is another way of saying miracles come from love. If you do not yet experience being told all you need to know, first be sure you have sufficiently quieted your mind to hear. Then be sure you’re not setting up the problem as you see it then asking that it be solved according to your limited understanding.

Lesson 19—“I am not alone in experiencing the effects of my thoughts.” This lesson reinforces the Truth that all minds are joined. Thinking and its results are simultaneous because cause and effect are never separate. Thinking is cause; seeing is effect. Because thought and perception are simultaneous, it’s difficult for us to recognize thought as cause.  The idea that our minds are joined is, at first, quite threatening because there are thoughts we have we’d prefer to think others are not privy to. But there are no “private” thoughts. All thoughts affect the entire Sonship.

Lesson 20—“I am determined to see.” This lesson marks a major shift in the Workbook. The practice has seemed easy up to this point, but it cannot stay that easy and reach its goal of transformation. Beginning now, you will be given more structure in which to practice. How you respond to this structure is crucial. Our undisciplined minds have a built-in resistance to structure. We don’t like to be told what to do. If you see the added structure as an imposition, you will rebel against it, either actively or passively. So try to see it as a vehicle to acquire the unparalleled gifts CIM offers you.

Lesson 21—“I am determined to see things differently.” This lesson is to help us avoid two fallacies: 1) that the degree of our anger matters; and 2) that our anger is confined to a particular personality trait of a person or a particular aspect of a situation. Mild irritation should be treated the same as rage. The Truth is all anger is maximal and “anger is never justified” (T-30.VI:I). CIM sees anger in a metaphysical sense. Within us we carry a blinding rage because we believe we have attacked Reality and succeeded. We think we have separated ourselves from God and destroyed the unity of Heaven. Enraged at ourselves and unable to endure the guilt, we project that guilt onto others.   

Lesson 22—“What I see is a form of vengeance.” This lesson aims to help us want to see a different world. The statements, we’re asked to repeat can be rephrased in the following manner:
1)   I see a world that has no permanence.
2)   It has no permanence because permanence is an attribute of reality, and the world I see is not real.
3)   This world is manifested by my fear and attack thoughts. They cause me to imagine a vengeful world.
The logic of this lesson rests on the idea in paragraph one that we see the world through angry eyes. The anger and attack we see in the world is a reflection of our own inner rage.

Lesson 23— “I can escape from the world I see by giving up attack thoughts.” You are not trapped in the world you see because its cause can be changed. We cannot fix the world we see by trying to control it or manipulate it or make it better. We change the world we see only by giving up attack thoughts.
The lesson provides a brief summary of the process, the three steps to forgiveness:
First, identify the cause. We must become aware that we are responsible for what we see. Second, having recognized the mind as cause, we must choose to change our mind about the world. We must open to the truth that God did not create a hate-full world. These two steps are our responsibility. Step three takes care of itself, for if we take the first two steps, our false images are automatically replaced. God’s Truth is already in our mind but is masked, distorted by our error thoughts.

Lesson 24— “I do not perceive my own best interests.”  The exercises for today are designed to bring four things about human perception to our attention:
1)   We make many demands on a situation that have nothing to do with it.
2)   Many of our goals are contradictory.
3)   We have no unified outcome in mind and are therefore invested in “short-sighted” outcomes.
4)   We’re disappointed in outcomes that don’t meet our shortsighted goals and expectations. We feel God has either abandoned us or is punishing us.
In order to recognize our best interests, we would need to be omniscient. Spirit is omniscient! For that reason, our best “prayer” is, “Thy will be done.”

Lesson 25—“I do not know what anything is for.” The purposes we assign things are based on ego goals and are, therefore, meaningless in the long run.
Our belief in separate beings/bodies has become an unquestioned core belief that makes all our thinking flawed. A baby goes through a process of learning its hand or foot is part of itself. We are still infants in that we don’t recognize the parts of ourselves when we see them; we think they are something or someone else. Because we think they are something else, we are unable to make judgments that make any sense. This is where true learning begins—admitting that, as long as we believe we are separate bodies, we are incapable of meaningful understanding.

If we don’t know what anything is for, the obvious question is: “What is it for?” The lesson answers this question: “Everything is for your own best interests.” Herein lies a huge call for faith. If resistance is felt, we may benefit from remembering our own track records for obtaining lasting peace and joy.
This lesson steps up, once again, the frequency and duration of our practices. Remember that each time you practice, even if you do not understand the lesson, you shorten the perceived time to your goal by hugely magnified strides.

Spiritual seekers have always struggled with resistance to the principles they espouse. St. Paul expressed this frustration when he said: "For the good that I would do, I do not; but the evil which I would not, I do." (Romans, 7:19)

"Despite being committed to what CIM says--devoting months, students still find themselves doing the exact opposite of what Jesus says. They judge, indulge in specialness--whether special hate or special love--and do all the things people not associated with the Course do." Kenneth Wapnick

The Cause: On the primal level is the Prodigal’s desperate fear of the wrath of the Father he believes he abandoned. While few of us grasp the idea of The Original Error, choosing to experience separation from God, we all identify with our separate self. If we are honest, we recognize there is a part of us that luxuriates in our problems--past hurts, abuse, abandonment, etc. As painful as these experiences are, they define us. That is the self we now cherish and attempt to hold onto no matter what the cost.
The Effect: CIM’s promise to speed along that homecoming, that melding back into the Oneness, causes us to drag our feet or, in many cases, to dig in our heels in terror.
The Remedy: Release the guilt spurred by resistance. “For you must learn that all guilt is insane, and has no reason.” (T-13.X.6:3) It is the ego’s invisible shackle, to keep us bound in a vicious cycle of blame and guilt. Looking at the ego’s game without judging it is the key to neutralizing it. Just notice your error then jump back on the wagon.
The Motivation: (W-pI.107.2:1-5) “Try to remember when there was a time—perhaps a minute, maybe even less—when nothing came to interrupt your peace; when you were certain you were loved and safe. Then try to picture what it would be like to have that moment be extended to the end of time and to eternity. Then let the sense of quiet you felt be multiplied a hundred times, and then be multiplied another hundred more. And now you have a hint, no more than just the faintest intimation of the state your mind will rest in when the truth has come.”

Assignment: Miracles Principle #5. Workbook Lessons 26-32. Text—Chapter 26, Section II—“Many Forms/One Correction.”

Practical Application: This week, practice letting everyone off the hook. Smile and wave at the person who cuts you off in traffic. When conflict arises, release the other person from blame. “I’m sure I must have misunderstood.”


Miracles Principle #3: “Miracles occur naturally as expressions of love. The real miracle is the love that inspires them. In this sense, everything that comes from love is a miracle.”
Miracles do not come from us. Miracles come from God/Love by our invitation. CIM calls this “the little willingness” (T-18.IV). We must be willing to ask Spirit to help us see through the eyes of love (the Christ within) rather than through the eyes of the ego. When you have allowed something or someone to disturb your peace, always ask, “What is this for?” What purpose does it serve? And there are always only two purposes: love (to heal the separation) or fear (to reinforcement the separation).

Lesson 12: “I am upset because I see a meaningless world.” We instinctively sense that this world does not make sense. A God of love would not create a world of lack and limitation, sickness and death. Because we can’t simply accept the world as meaningless, we are impelled to write our meaning upon it, and when we do, what we see is frightening because we believe we’ve alienated ourselves from God, our Source of power and protection.  When your peace is threatened or disturbed in any way, say to yourself,” I do not know what anything, including this, means. And so I do not know how to respond to it. And I will not use my own past learning as the light to guide me now.” (T-14.XI.6:7)
“When your words have been erased, you will see His. That is the ultimate purpose of these exercises.”

Lesson 13: “A meaningless world engenders fear.” The idea that we are in competition with God, and therefore fear His vengeance, seems preposterous. We are told in CIM that we made a decision (symbolized by the parable of the Garden of Eden) to experience something other than the peace and perfection of God. God allowed this wish—with the caveat that the experience would not be real and therefore would have no lasting effects. “Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists. Herein lies the peace of God.” Like the Prodigal, we feel we have squandered our holy inheritance and are afraid to go home and face Dad. Remember, however, the lesson says not to dwell on this idea. You are simply asked to note any fear the thought may arouse. Also remember the reception the Prodigal got when he decoded to go Home! .

Lesson 14: “God did not create a meaningless world.” The purpose of the lessons thus far has been to erase the interpretations you’ve put on the world so you can see God’s interpretation. The meaningless world we see is not God’s creation. To some, this idea feels like salvation. To others, it sounds preposterous, even sacreligious.  A negative reaction is far more common than a positive one. Our path in CIM is one “through fear to love.” The direction of the journey is towards a breadth of love that “passeth understanding.” A word of caution: this lesson is asking you to consider these thoughts about your own personal repertory of fears. It is not asking you to evangelize—to tell others their fears are not real. Note also from this lesson that many of our illusions are shared (famines, wars, HIV, etc.) and others are part of our own personal hell. This is clear support for the idea that the illusion of the world is a shared responsibility.

Lesson 15: “My thoughts are images that I have made.” The purpose of this lesson is to introduce you to the process of image making, by which your inner thoughts manifest as physical images. Physical sight is no more than this, and this is the purpose of physical sight. We gave our body’s eyes the function of seeing thought images in order to validate our belief that we are entities separate from God. Yet, there is something to be seen beyond the physical and that is God’s eternal Reality. Quantum physics is now validating the Reality our physical eyes can’t see.

Lesson 16: “I have no neutral thoughts.” There are no idle thoughts. Every thought produces an image after its kind—either truth/love or illusion/fear. This is an empowering idea, not a threatening one. You have previously been told that your thoughts are not real. Just because something isn’t real doesn’t mean it’s unimportant or can be ignored. Think of the impact of a blood and guts movie. It isn’t real, but it makes its emotional mark on us. If war and AIDS are in our perception, the thoughts that manifest them are in our minds, singly or collectively. Therefore to see a different image, we must heal our thoughts.

Lesson 17: “I see no neutral things.” We believe that events or actions in the world cause us to think or act in certain ways. CIM says the opposite. We have no neutral thoughts and so we see no neutral things. Even a box of Wheaties holds an emotional charge for us. We ask ourselves: “What made me feel this way?” “What made me so angry or depressed?” But the thought always comes first. Our minds cause the world we see.
The statement, “I do not see anything that is really alive or really joyous” will cause resistance. CIM says the body is not alive because the body is not real. So it neither lives nor dies, except in our thoughts. Nor do the fleeing joys we experience in the physical realm. The Truth of us is spirit, which is formless. Nothing can be truly joyous when the specter of death looms at its core.

Lesson 18: “I am not alone in experiencing the effects of my seeing.” The preceding lessons have taught that your thoughts always affect the world you experience. This lesson teaches that they always affect all minds. How you think and see things quite literally affects the entire world. By opening my mind to Love, I can be a conduit of Love for the entire world.

Assignment: Text: Read Miracles Principle #4 and Chapter Two, Sections VI (Fear and Conflict) and VII (Cause and Effect); Workbook: Lessons 19-25.

Practical Application: Think of a person that disturbs your peace. Make a mental list of all his/her faults and transgressions. Then ask Spirit to help you see this person in a different way. Really “listen” with your heart. Now imagine a beautiful pink light in the area of your heart. See that light extending to the heart of the other, going over and under it and back to yours, in the pattern of infinity. Do this once a day for one week and see if you experience anything different about that person.

CIM Lessons 5-11/Miracles Principle #2

CIM LESSONS 5-11 January, 2012
Remember, do NOT over-intellectualize these lessons. “Some ideas the workbook presents you will find hard to believe, and others may seem to be quite startling. This does not matter. You are merely asked to apply the ideas as you are directed. It is their use that will give them meaning and will show you that they are true.”

Miracles Principle #2: Miracles as such do not matter. The only thing that matters is their Source, which is far beyond evaluation. A miracle is a shift in perception, from fear to love. Miracles are not needed in God’s Reality. Miracles are needed only in the world of illusion, where there is belief in sin, suffering, sacrifice and separation. The only thing that matters in Reality is God, which is the Spirit of Love. In this world, however, miracles are important because Love is the correction that enables us to eventually remember Who we really are.

Lesson 5—“I am never upset for the reason I think.”  The cause of our upset is never external (ex. The slowpoke driver, even the robber with a gun) because our Higher Self knows that our Reality is invulnerable, eternal. Note: The lesson doesn’t say what we are upset about. That comes later.

Lesson 6—“I am upset because I see something that is not there.” Only what God created is real and nothing that God created is upsetting. What we think are objective facts can be seen differently through our Christ vision. “Facts” can be changed by a shift in perception—from the ego’s distortions to the Holy Spirit’s Truth. Our peace, our “solution” always comes from within us. There is only one problem—belief in separation, and only one solution—At-one-ment (Atonement).

Lesson 7—“I see only the past.” This lesson begins to challenge our ideas about time, which is the foundation of all we see and believe. Our minds resist this change in order to maintain the stability of the physical world, yet it is this world that keeps us from remembering our true Reality. We look at the present through the filter of past learning, therefore never seeing the present Reality. This is the reason nothing we see has any meaning. Time has no meaning to the eternal. Because we are eternal, a two-year old and a 92-year old are all the same.

Lesson 8—“My mind is preoccupied with past thoughts.” Our minds spend their time focused on what is not Real because they are obsessed with contemplating the past. The only thing we “see” with the bodies’ eyes are our thoughts projected outward. Believing is seeing, not the reverse. This idea is central to CIM. The first step towards Vision is becoming aware of what Vision is not. It has nothing to do with the thoughts that normally fill our minds. Don’t, however, try to force yourself not to think. That will only prompt frustration. Just observe your thoughts and apply the lesson. Note: Remember that God, being Love, is not trying to take anything of value away from you. This whole mind re-training process is rather like taking a sharp object from an infant and giving him a cool toy instead.

Lesson 9—“I see nothing as it is now.” While we may accept this thought intellectually, it will have no immediate meaning, and Spirit understands and accepts that. We wouldn’t expect someone to understand calculus without first having taken algebra. Our understanding, at this stage, is not necessary. In fact, what is necessary is the recognition that we don’t understand. We will quite naturally feel it doesn’t make sense to try to work with an idea we don’t understand or believe. But remember: if we already understood, we wouldn’t need to enroll in the class! CIM tells us that even if our minds resist the entire idea, the practice will still have the desired effect.

Lesson 10—“My thoughts do not mean anything.” Our current thoughts are not our Real thoughts and are, therefore, meaningless. The lesson implies that once we begin to quiet our “monkey minds,” we will begin to experience our Real thoughts. It’s like we’ve been eating carob all our lives, thinking it was chocolate. Once we taste real chocolate, we know that carob was not chocolate. Until we have a basis for comparison, we can only take the teacher’s word for it. Remembering that Jesus is the teacher may bolster confidence in this bizarre sounding claim.

What is being cultivated here is detachment from our thoughts, becoming the witness or observer of our thoughts. It may help to think of your thoughts as clouds, or leaves on a stream, or a train passing by—“Oh, there’s a carload of anger.” “There’s one filled with guilt.” As you practice this, you become aware of your mind as something independent of the ego thoughts that cross it. They lose their emotional charge and become less of a big deal to you.

The closing thought extends hope and comfort because our Teacher knows it can be very uncomfortable, even demeaning, to be told our thoughts are meaningless: “This idea will help to release me from all that I now believe.”

Lesson 11—“My meaningless thoughts are showing me a meaningless world.” The purpose of this lesson is to help us reverse how we see cause and effect. We think that the outside world imprints itself on our minds, causing our perceptions, yet causation travels the other way: from the inside out. What you see outside you is the projection of your thoughts. This is quantum physics and a major CIM theme. This idea contains the foundation for the peace we are striving to achieve. The key for forgiveness lies in it. If what I see is being caused by my own thoughts, then there is nothing or no one “out there” to blame. The Text says, “I am responsible for what I see.” (T-21.II.2-3)At first, this idea is very disturbing. Eventually, we realize it’s the key to freedom.
Lesson 9 talks about “each small step” (2.5) clearing away a little of the darkness. For the vast majority, enlightenment does not come quickly but rather in small steps. So don’t feel restless or like you’re working against some deadline. All roads lead to God. It’s a “journey without distance.” So relax and enjoy the experience!

Assignment: Miracles Principle #3 and one Workbook lesson per day. In the Manual for Teachers, read pp. 3-4, “Who Are God’s Teachers?” If you wish, you may also read the next section, “Who Are Their Pupils?”

Commentaries on the First Four CIM Lessons/Miracles Principle #1

CIM Lessons 1-4—A Suggested Daily Practice Outline:
     *Start your day right. As soon as possible after waking, take your quiet time. Do your lesson.
2.     *Remember God all through the day.
3.     *Turn to Holy Spirit as soon as you feel any threat to peace.
4.    * Respond to all error thought/judgment/fear by reminding yourself immediately of the Truth. God is Love and God is All There Is—Omnipotent, Omniscient, and Omnipresent.
5.     *Repeat your quiet time at night, reviewing your lesson for the day.

(T-30.In. 2-5,7-8) “The goal is clear, but now you need specific methods for attaining it. The speed by which it can be reached depends on this one thing alone; your willingness to practice every step. Each one will help a little, every time it is attempted. And together will these steps lead you from dreams of judgment to forgiving dreams and out of pain and fear . . . So now, we need to practice them awhile, until they are the rules by which you live. We seek to make them habits now, so you will have them ready for whatever need.”

Lesson 1—“Nothing I see in this room (on this street, from this window, in this place) means anything.”
This one really freaks the ego out! Its purpose, like all the first thirty lessons is to begin to break down the ego’s thought system.  Its purpose is to teach me to let go what I “see” with my body’s senses so that I can learn to “see” with my Christ vision. This lesson asks me to become as a child, to assume a beginner’s open mind, to ask Spirit.

Lesson 2—“I have given everything I see in this room (on this street, from this window, in this place) all the meaning that it has for me.” The purpose of this lesson is to begin to let go of my judgment about meaning. The only meaning anything has for me is the meaning I give it. For example, if I see a dog, I feel happy because of my experiences of unconditional love with dogs. However, someone else may see the same dog I see and experience extreme fear because his or her own experience with dogs includes a life threatening attack.
Lesson 3—“I do not understand anything I see in this room (on this street, from this window, in this place.) To see with my Christ eyes, I must be willing to let go of my current beliefs. I must clear away past associations projected onto the present and, thereby, let go of my faulty understandings. There was a time that all people of sound thought believed the earth was flat. Subsequent information proved the error of that thought. It is just this kind of open-mindedness CIM is asking for.

Lesson 4—“These thoughts do not mean anything. They are like the things I see in this room (on this street, from this window, in this place).” This lesson is designed to train me to lump all ego thoughts, good and bad, together. Everything I see “outside” me is meaningless. This practice begins to open my spiritual eyes to the realm of God’s Reality.

Miracles Principle #1: “There is no order of difficulty in miracles.” This principle is the seed of the entire thought system of CIM. Course teaches there are only two basic contents in the world: God or the ego; love or fear. There is always only one problem—fear—and one solution, love.
The way we define a problem determines how we will resolve it. If you think the problem is anything other than belief in separation the solution will be off course. (Read Many Forms, One Correction, T-26.II)

The Laws of Chaos (T-23.II) describes the five laws that make up the ego’s insane thought system, which are the complete opposite of the miracles principles.

Assignment: Lessons 5-11; Miracles Principle #2.