1. Start your day right. As soon as possible after waking, take your quiet time. Do your lesson.
2. Remember God all through the day.
3. Turn to Holy Spirit as soon as you feel any threat to peace.
4. Respond to all error thought/judgment/fear by reminding yourself immediately of the Truth. God is Love and God is All There Is—Omnipotent, Omniscient, and Omnipresent.
5. Repeat your quiet time at night, reviewing your lesson for the day.
(T-30.In. 2-5,7-8) “The goal is clear, but now you need specific methods for attaining it. The speed by which it can be reached depends on this one thing alone; your willingness to practice every step. Each one will help a little, every time it is attempted. And together will these steps lead you from dreams of judgment to forgiving dreams and out of pain and fear . . . So now, we need to practice them awhile, until they are the rules by which you live. We seek to make them habits now, so you will have them ready for whatever need.”
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