Wednesday, February 15, 2012

CIM Lessons 47-53 and Miracles Principle #8

CIM Lessons 47-53 and Miracles Principles #8

Miracles Principle #8: “Miracles are healing because they supply a lack; they are performed by those who temporarily have more for those who temporarily have less.” Remember CIM shifts back and forth between two levels—God’s Reality and the ego’s perception. A more accurate way of stating this would be, “Miracles are healing because they supply a perceived lack.” CIM says elsewhere we do not supply a lack because that would mean there was a lack to fill, which would make lack real. Miracles correct perceptions of lack. “They are performed by those who temporarily have more” means the miracle is done by the one who is in his right mind at the moment. The word “temporarily” is important here. All of us shift continually from right-minded to wrong-mindedness. A passage in the Text talks about how healing occurs when the healer is without fear. (Text, p. 577, par. 2) However, this doesn’t mean the healer is always without fear; only in the instant when he chooses to heal rather than to attack. 

(Notice that in these lessons the frequency of suggested repetitions continues to increase. I would suggest picking a frequency you think you can realistically achieve then set a firm intention to stick with it.  Remember though—no guilt! Guilt is always counterproductive!)

Lesson 47—“God is the strength in which I trust.” If we deceive ourselves into thinking we can handle everything on our own—without God, without our brothers and sisters—we will eventually crash and burn. Jesus said, “Of my own, I can do nothing.” (Jn. 5:19,30) He said the same thing in a different way when he said, “As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, so neither can you, unless you abide in me . . . apart from me, you can do nothing. (Jn. 15:4-5) Though it may seem we’re being asked to submit to a superior force, all this is saying is that we must align ourselves with all the rest of our own being, from which we have dissociated ourselves, to “bear fruit.” When we fear, we are trusting in our “individual” strength, which is non-existent. To recognize our weakness as independent beings is crucial. Only then can we go beyond to realize Oneness/God is our strength and safety in every situation.

Lesson 48—“There is nothing to fear.” Since God is Love, and God is all there is, there is nothing of which to be afraid. Fear is a belief in an entity or force capable of overpowering God. We hold onto illusions to validate our belief in separation from God and, in so doing, we hold onto fear. As long as we believe in illusions, fear seems very real. Yet there’s a part of our minds in which we have already remembered the Oneness and our perfect safety. Your “right mind” has provided the experience of CIM for you; your true Self is speaking through its pages to awaken you.

Lesson 49—“God’s Voice speaks to me all through the day.” Your right mind is in constant communication with God. We aren’t usually aware of this communication, although we could be. It’s like a radio signal. You have to dial into “the God channel” to receive it.  There is a place within you that is like the eye of a storm—always peaceful. When we first try to find this place, the ego shrieks so loudly it seems we can’t ignore it. Listening to God’s voice, at first, is like trying to meditate in the middle of a riot. Hearing the Voice within isn’t usually something that happens overnight, but the pay-off pales our wildest dreams.

Lesson 50—“I am sustained by the Love of God.” What do you turn to when you feel empty or depleted? What would it feel like to come to rely fully on something utterly and absolutely dependable? St. Augustine said that each of us is born with a God-shaped blank in our heart that nothing else can fill. Wholeness comes only from union with our Source. The Psalmist said it well in the First Psalm. Those who know they are sustained by God’s Love “shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth fruit in its season; his leaf shall also not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.” The Twenty Third Psalm also reminds us: “The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.

Lesson 51—Review of Lessons 1-5.
Lesson 52—Review of Lessons 6-10.
Lesson 53—Review of Lessons 11-15.

Overview Notes:
lHighly Structured Beginning. In the beginning, CIM recommends quite highly structured practice, giving specific details about how the lesson should be practiced. We’re told the exercises should be done with eyes closed and when you are alone in a quiet place.
Shift to No Specific Setting. As we advance, it becomes necessary to give up “formal” structure and settings so that we can learn to apply the principles in any and every setting and situation. We have begun to advance when we have learned to generalize what we’ve learned in the “laboratory.” This will happen almost without conscious volition. Suddenly, we will notice that what used to upset us no longer does so.
Bringing Peace With Us. As our practice continues, we begin to respond to upsets by choosing peace over upset. Eventually, we start to choose peace in every situation, proactively bringing peace into situations of distress and turmoil, Light into darkness.

Assignment: Miracles Principle #9 and Lessons 54-60.

Practical Application: Separate a page into 3 columns. In the first column, list 3 of your most crippling personal fears. At the top of the second column, write  “Worst Case Scenario, ” and note beside each fear the worst imaginable outcome if that fear were to become a “reality.” Consider each outcome for a moment in the context of our guarantee of eternal life. In the last column, write “God Case Scenario.” There, write the best imaginable outcome—the miracle outcome—to the fear or the situation. Hold the picture of each miracle outcome in mind for a moment. Silently repeat, ”There is no order of difficulty in miracles. Thank you, God!” Repeat as guided. 

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