Wednesday, April 18, 2012


Miracles Principle #17: “Miracles transcend the body. They are sudden shifts into invisibility, away from the bodily level. That is why they heal.” “Shifts into invisibility” simply means shifting focus from the body, or the external, to the mind, the source of all problems. The body is never the problem. Lesson 76 says, “I am under no laws but God’s laws.” CIM teaches that God did not make this world. We did. The mind made up physical laws—laws of gravity, of nutrition, of genetics, etc.—and we give those laws power by virtue of our individual and joint allegiance to them. Jesus says our faith can move mountains. Since our mind made up the mountain in the first place, why could we not move it? Many people are able to train their minds to move a glass or cup to another part of the table. If a cup can be moved, why not a mountain? Such mastery, however, does not give you peace of mind, nor does it bring you closer to God. All it does is enable you to get back in touch with the power of your mind. But it is the misuse of the mind that got us in trouble in the first place. That’s why CIM says it’s imperative to place our mind under the guidance of the One Who will never misuse it.

Lesson 110—“I am as God created me.” This is the Workbook’s premier lesson. We are reminded repeatedly that today’s idea is “enough” to save you; that it is “all you need.” This one thought, we are told, is not only enough to save ourselves but also to save the world. The primary idea is this: Nothing I have done has changed anything. Fear and evil, misery and death, have not occurred except in the dreams of the ego mind. I have not damaged anything. The tiny, mad idea to replace God on His throne accomplished nothing. I am still innocent, perfect love. I can trust my brothers, who are one with me, because I am as God created me and have never split from them. What I find within myself when I listen to the Voice for God is what all others are as well. Let me simply become aware of any thought that says different and allow Spirit to take that thought from me and return it to me anew. Again, this is how Heaven manifests on earth. Now I see through a glass darkly, but as I allow Spirit to cleanse my error thoughts, what I “see” and experience quite literally changes simultaneously.

Lessons 11-120 are review lessons.

Assignment: Read Introduction to Review III, Workbook pages 201-203, and Lessons 117-123. Read Text pp. 382-83 (The Happy Dream).

Practical Application: What we’re attempting as the practice time requirement continues to increase is to develop the habit of prayer without ceasing—noting when the mind is on “ego autopilot” and deliberately turning it back over to Spirit. A helpful question to ask in this process is, “What is it for?” As you make decisions throughout your day, check in with Spirit. Is the motivation behind your choice love or is it fear?

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