Wednesday, May 2, 2012


Miracles Principle 18: “A miracle is a service. It is the maximal service you can render to another. It is a way of loving your neighbor as yourself. You recognize your own and your neighbor’s worth simultaneously.” A miracle is a service because it brings love to one who is in fear, and by being a channel of love to another, I’m also bringing love to myself. This principle reminds me we are one and the same and that God establishes our worth. If I see you as more or less worthy than me—as victim or victimizer—that is an attack. It’s an attack on the Sonship and, therefore, an attack of the Creator of the Sonship. The miracle is not behavioral, despite what may appear as behavioral effects. It is only on the level of the mind. It is joining with each other through forgiveness—through love and acceptance.

(Lessons 117—120 are review lessons and so not expanded upon here.)

Lesson 121—“Forgiveness is the key to happiness.” Notice this doesn’t say “a” key but rather “the” key to happiness. When I admit that the descriptions in this lesson describe me, that I find myself in these miserable states of mind, the very word “forgiveness” sounds like an oasis in the Sahara. Lesson 79 says I have to recognize the problem before I can solve it. Though it manifests in myriad ways (attack, fear, illness, death), there is only one problem: the belief in separation. And there is only one solution: forgiveness of that error in myself and everyone else. Since forgiveness is acquired, not inherent, a methodology is necessary to achieve the transition between where I think I am and where I am in Truth. Forgiveness wasn’t a part of my mind as God created it. There was no need for it. Without the thought of sin, the concept of forgiveness is meaningless. Because I taught myself the idea of sin, the antidote is needed. The unforgiving mind can’t teach itself forgiveness. Why? Because it believes in the reality of sin, and on that basis, forgiveness is not rational. This is why I need the Holy Spirit. He teaches me to forgive and through forgiveness my mind is returned to my Self. The only thing standing between me and perfect peace and happiness, perfect well-being and abundance is my grudges. And all I’m asked to do is to turn them over to Spirit for healing. If I’m not whole and completely happy, I’ve still got forgiveness work to do.

Lesson 122—“Forgiveness offers everything I want.” Again, this doesn’t say forgiveness offers some benefits to me. It says it offers everything I want. Appearances change, but the Spirit within me, having been created by the eternal, is changeless. Forgiveness is a way of looking past appearances to the unchanging reality. It disregards the temporary picture of the ego’s mistakes and sees the Son of God. Forgiveness lifts the veil that hides the face of Christ within us all. It removes the blocks to love, the reasons we’ve built up for withholding love. We then experience love everywhere, in everyone.  My ego thoughts and actions have changed nothing. Nor have my brother’s. My brother is not my changing perceptions of him. My brother and I are still as God created us. My pain comes from identifying with my changing perceptions. My peace comes from identifying with God’s eternal reality. Nothing that changes was created by God. Therefore, nothing that changes is real. Herein lies the peace of God.

Lesson 123—“I thank my Father for His gifts to me.” Let me take time today to express my gratitude to God for His gifts to me. Praise awakens and magnifies the power of Divine Life within me. I thank my Father for this Course, which has become my way home. I thank Him for relief from all those years I lived in quiet desperation. I thank Him that, when I wandered off, He never deserted me. I thank Him for never giving up on me, even when I gave up on myself. I thank Him for not allowing me to destroy myself. I am grateful for His Spirit within me, my Guide and my Faithful Friend. I am grateful for all the loving friends and companions He has brought my way on this journey without distance, this journey Home.

Assignment: Miracles Principle # 19. Lessons 124-130. Text pp.168-170, The Holy Spirit’s Plan of Forgiveness. Manual for Teachers, pp.27-28, How Is Judgment Relinquished?

Practical Application: Think of 3 things you want most in life. CIM says, “Forgiveness offers everything I want.” Can you see how that might relate to the 3 things you desire? How might forgiveness forge the way for these things to manifest in your life? 

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