CIM Lessons 341-347
and Miracles Principle #50
Miracles Principle
#50—“The miracle compares what you
have made with creation, accepting what is in accord with it as true, and
rejecting what is out of accord as false.” Here is the difference between
making and creating. The miracle compares what we have made, which is the
physical world, with creation. There are certain things we do in this world
that are in accord with creation, such as joining with people. It is not
creation, but it is in accord with creation because it follows the principle of
oneness. Truth is only of spirit, what God created, but anything we do that
unites us with each other reflects the truth of heaven. The miracle occurs when
we “see” that the person who seems to be attacking is really calling out for
love. You don’t deny what your eyes see; you just shift your interpretation.
Lesson 341—“I can
attack but my own sinlessness, and it is only that which keeps me safe.” Whenever
I attack anyone, I attack myself. When I see sin in another, my own sinlessness
is being attacked, and only that keeps me safe. How does my acknowledgment of
my sinlessness keep me safe? It contains the recognition of Who I am, which
contains the power of God.
What Is a Miracle? “A
miracle is a correction. It does not create, nor really change at all.” (1:1-2)
We tend to think of a miracle as some amazing change in the way things are, but
a miracle merely adjusts a mistaken assessment of what already is. We don’t
need to become sinless; we already are sinless. The miracle looks on the
illusion of sin we have laid over our innocence and reminds us that it is an illusion. We do see devastation in
this world, but the miracle reminds us that what we see is false because God,
Who is Love, did not create anything capable of destruction.
Lesson 342—“I let
forgiveness rest upon all things, for thus forgiveness will be given me.” The
key to freedom is in my hands. As I
forgive, I receive forgiveness—not from God as a reward for my “good
behavior”—but from myself!
Forgiveness really means no more than that I “let creation be as You would have
it be and as it is.” In every instant today when I face the choice between
judgment and forgiveness, I’m standing at Heaven’s gate, holding the key in my
hand, wondering if I should go in.
Lesson 343—“I am not
asked to make a sacrifice to find the mercy and the peace of God.” To the
ego, the notion of Oneness necessarily asks for sacrifice of individuality. Yet
the whole idea of sacrifice is foreign to CIM, “a notion totally unknown to
God. “(T-3.I.4:1) Conventional Christianity says I must suffer to attain
Heaven. I must pay for my mistakes. Course says I am asked to sacrifice
“nothing”—all that will pass away—for everything! This lesson reminds me that
God only gives. He never takes away! As I was created, I
remain, eternally—eternally a thumbprint of God. Created in God’s image, it is
in giving that I am magnified.
Lesson 344—“Today I learn
the law of love; that what I give my brother is my gift to me.” What if I
truly realized that what I give to others will be left to me in the end? What
if I recognized that everything I try to hold onto for myself alone will be
lost? How would that change the way I live? The lesson is referring to my gifts
of love and forgiveness rather than to anything physical. I am inextricably and
totally linked to all others. If I allow
suspicion, judgment, and contempt into my thoughts, my experience will be that I will feel suspect, judged, and held in
For the next few
weeks, let’s try to really get a handle on what this is saying. Let’s STOP AND
THINK before we judge our neighbor or co-worker or relative or friend’s cries
for love. Remember: I Am LOOKING IN A MIRROR! Let me look
gently and with love.
Lesson 345—“I offer
only miracles today, for I would have them be returned to me.” Again, what
I give is returned to me. The fairness of God’s Universe is impeccable.
Realizing this is so, let me decide as this day starts, as every day starts, to
offer only what I want.
Lesson 346—“Today the
peace of God envelops me, and I forget all things except His Love.” All
there is to do is to be happy, to
accept God’s love. As I read this lesson, let me suspend my judgment, just for
a moment, that this is all too simple. All my strain and struggle comes from my
resistance to this idea. I still harbor a fear of loss. It feels as if I’m giving
up something valuable when I give up my struggle. Yet all I’m giving up is
pain. What if I simply started focusing on being happy? What if I let go of my
insistence that things should “be different?” Only my insistence that I’m not
worthy of Your Love keeps me from enjoying it in every moment. What if I give Your
promise of unconditional Love a genuine try? What if I actually allow myself to
experience the truth or falsity of it—and begin to let go of my deep investment
in my own unworthiness?
Lesson 347—“Anger
must come from judgment. Judgment is the weapon I would use against myself, to
keep the miracle away from me.” The previous lesson was about
miracle-mindedness. Today, we see why we don’t always experience that state of
mind. We actively keep it away from us with thoughts of judgment and attack.
Today, let me straighten my mind by giving all my judgments to Spirit and
asking Spirit to judge for me. Spirit will show me that what I see does not
mean what I think it means. He will use what I thought proved guilt to reveal
Assignment: Lessons
348-354. Review the Fifty Miracles Principles. Bring questions to class. Read
as you are led by Spirit.
Application: Make a list of things you LOVE about the people you interact
with or think about this week. Remember as you do this that you are looking in
a mirror. These are YOUR traits and qualities, too! Isn’t it wonderful?
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