CIM Lessons 264-270
and Miracles Principle #39
Miracles Principle #
39: “The miracle dissolves error
because the Holy Spirit identifies error as false or unreal. This is the same
as saying that by perceiving light, darkness automatically disappears.” The
Holy Spirit realizes that all errors are false or unreal. There are no
gradations in errors. One times zero is the same as a thousand times zero. Once
I recognize the truth of who I am, the errors of the ego will disappear because
all that holds them in place are my thoughts about them. There’s nothing out there that’s real. It’s only my
thoughts that make the things of the world seem real in my mind. I can’t
forgive a “sin” once I’ve made it real. I can’t say the world is an illusory
“classroom” as long as I believe the darkness is real. As we’ve said earlier in
class, if I look outside myself and see error, sin, lack, or illness, all that
I am doing is projecting my own fears onto the “screen” of life. If I correct
my error thinking about myself, if I accept the truth of my Oneness with All
That Is, what I “see” outside myself will change. This is quite literal!
This past week, we talked a little about manifesting
things—as per The Secret. When I
concern myself with manifesting things,
I’m merely choosing to play with the illusion. It’s an okay place to start, in
that manifesting through the will of the mind can demonstrate the reality of
the power of thought. Plus, it’s easier to focus on what’s really important
when our bellies aren’t growling with hunger. But if I really want to manifest
the ongoing Happy Dream, what is necessary is to know my Oneness with my
Creator. So a good place to start, as Jesus says in CIM, is to tell myself a
thousand times a day—until it “takes root” so to speak—that I am One with my
Creator. All that God is I am. I am God’s beloved. Repeat these phrases, or
similar ones that have meaning for you, until their truth takes root. When that
happens, your vibration automatically increases, and it is that increased
vibration that draws to you your good. In God’s Reality like attracts like. My
state of happiness attracts MORE happiness.
Lesson 264—“I am
surrounded by the love of God.” The purpose of this lesson is to focus my
attention on love, which is “invisible,” rather than on the body and all that
is visible. There’s a passage in the Text that says: When you made visible what is not true, what IS true became invisible
to you. . . It is invisible to you because you are looking at something else.
(T-12.VIII.3:1,3) What is not seen is not “gone.” Love is still in
everything, all around me, and I will see it if I will but stop looking at
something else. Jesus says if we look at love enough, what is not there will
become invisible to us. As we learn to stop wanting to see something other than
love, we will stop seeing anything but love. That outcome is inevitable because
love is all there is. We want to see
separation, we want to see bodies,
because we believe it preserves our individuality and because we think it keeps
us safe from “facing the music” with God for “sins” which never occurred. The
way to experience love is to give love. As I open to let love out,
love will flood in. It always flows both ways. And what I’m loving is myself,
not a separate thing or things. I am not a separate unit; I only exist in
relationship to the Oneness.
265—“Creation’s gentleness is all I see.” This lesson clearly states how
the world comes to be, apparently, attacking us. “I laid my sins on it and saw them looking back at me.” Though it seems I’m working to forgive others, I’m
always working to forgive myself. I feel guilt over some aspect of myself. I
project that guilt outward. Projection makes perception. When I feel guilty, I
disown a part of my own mind. There’s some part of me that feels a need to
overeat, or to be angry at my mother, or to sabotage my career. I do these
things because I think I deserve punishment. The original guilt comes not from
any of these things, but from my deep belief that I have succeeded at making
myself something other than what God created me to be. I believe I am my own
creator. And since God is good, I must be evil. I can’t stand that idea and so
I push away some part of my mind and lay the guilt at someone else’s feet. I
need to look at what I’m afraid of until I realize that all of it is in my own
mind. When at last I recognize the truth of that, I’ll be in a place where I
can do something about it. If I lift the blot of my own guilt off the world, I
will see its “celestial gentleness.”
Lesson 266—“My holy
Self abides in you, God’s Son.” These are words I speak to my family, my
friends, my boss: In you my holy Self
abides. Everyone is my “savior.” Everyone points the way to God. If we’re
honest, most of us will admit that we perceive our brothers as the stumbling
blocks and barriers on the way to God. Let us then consider the possibility
that the reason we see them that way has nothing to do with them, or with the
truth. Let us consider that perhaps we’ve laid our “sins” on them and see them
looking back at us. Let’s be willing to be willing to consider the possibility
that our perception is truly upside down and needs to be turned right side up.
Let us bring those perceptions to the Holy Spirit for healing.
Lesson 267—“My heart
is beating in the peace of God.” What CIM says about us often doesn’t fit
the picture of ourselves we have in our mind. The low opinion of ourselves that
we constantly maintain is one of our major problems. When we do a Workbook
lesson, we need to practice letting go of that poor self-image for a while. CIM
constantly tells us that we actively block from our awareness the truth of what
we are. We constantly underestimate and undervalue ourselves. As you read these
lessons, attempt not to edit them in your mind. Just let them be true for
you—at least in the moment. Agree with the way God views you, and say in
response, “Yes, my mind is healed.” Read slowly. Give yourself time to absorb
each phrase. Recognize your negative responses. Don’t fight or argue with them.
Just decide, for these few moments, to listen to the Voice for God instead.
Lesson 268—“Let all
things be exactly as they are.” This lesson has been often misconstrued.
Many think it’s saying to accept “what is” means to accept what our human
perceptions tell us is true. I do not
accept illness or lack and limitation because
God did not create illness and lack and limitation and, therefore, they are not
real. I do not struggle against such illusions because that is
counterproductive. I realize instead that what I’m seeing or experiencing is a
product of my fear, projected out, not a creation of God. That fear is what I
seek to heal.
To let things be exactly as they are means to accept that
God made only perfection. If I don’t see that perfection, I need to ask Spirit
to heal my thoughts about what I “see.” To say, “Let all things be exactly as
they are” is an affirmation of faith that what appears to be pain and suffering
is not really there. It’s a response to God’s call, drawing us up out of the
world of conditions and into unconditional truth. It’s a phrase that applies
not to the world we see with physical eyes, but to the world we can see only
with the eyes of Christ. It doesn’t mean that we turn our eyes on a brother in
suffering and callously say, “Let that be exactly what it is. There’s a lesson
in there somewhere he needs to learn.” That’s equivalent to the old traditional
Christian mistake of saying such things are God’s will. To think this way is to
make the error real then blame it on God.
As we’ve discussed in class, however, if I’m diagnosed with
cancer, I will get treatment. Why? Because as long as I walk this earth,
chances are my belief in my mis-creations is so strong that to completely defy
them will generate a counterproductive fear. So while I accept the “magic” of
modern medicine, at the same time, I consciously recognize that I’m using a
crutch only until I am confident I no longer need it.
Lesson 269—“My sight
goes forth to look upon Christ’s face.” Today’s lesson is about choosing in
advance to see innocence in others. When I encounter judgment in my mind, I
need do nothing but recognize that it is there and believe that there’s another
way to perceive it. I affirm I am willing to see it differently. I ask for help
in understanding forgiveness through this experience. And I wait. I allow
myself to look at the anger, the fear, the resentment I am feeling. I don’t try
to “stuff” or hide it. That just perpetuates the wrong-mindedness. I recognize
that I’m judging myself for feeling these things. So, as I did with the external
judgment, I do with the internal: I affirm that I’m willing to see it
differently and ask Spirit for help. And I wait. What happens then is of God. A
shift occurs in my mind. The shift may seemingly appear in regard to the other,
or in regard to myself. It doesn’t matter since the other and myself are the
same. When I decide that what I want to see is only innocence, I will see only
Lesson 270—“I will
not use the body’s eyes today.” Obviously this doesn’t mean I’ll walk
around with a blindfold on today. Notice the word “translate” in this lesson:
“Christ’s vision . . . has the power to translate
all that the body’s eyes behold into the sight of a forgiven world.” We are
here to heal the world by seeing it differently, and thus we also heal
ourselves. The chief component of that different vision is lack of judgment. Making no demand for outward changes. Seeing that
everyone and everything is worthy of love, exactly as they are. We are told to
overlook error. Then we are told we don’t know how to do it. Instead, we are to
turn to the Holy Spirit. Understanding the how
of Atonement is not my job, not my function, but His.
Assignment: Miracles
Principle #40. Lessons 271-277. Read as Spirit directs you.
Application: Get out of your self
this week. Look for ways to give love.
CIM says the way to experience love is
to give love.
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